Open API vs. Rest API: 7 Differences You Need to Know

App developers can talk about Open APIs and Rest APIs without breaking a sweat but it can be tough for someone from a non-technical background to understand the difference between the two. Many entrepreneurs in New Zealand and Australia also struggle to understand the differences between them. Result? Some end up investing in the wrong technology! 

API Connects – proficient in application management services – will break down 7 key differences between Open APIs and Rest APIs. By the end of the road, you’ll be able to confidently choose the right API for your needs. Before delving into differences, let’s understand their meanings first! 

#1 Open and Rest APIs: Meaning 

When we buy a new smartphone, we get a manual in the box that tells us how exactly we can use it, right? Open API is just like that. It serves as a clear instruction manual for an application. It explains what the application can do. And not just that! It also tells how to interact with it, making it easy for users to understand and use its features.

REST API, on the other hand, is a specific way of designing applications to communicate with each other. Think of it as a set of rules that tell how apps should exchange information in a clear and organized manner. Yes, both technologies can indeed be used for developing powerful, connected web applications. But the purpose they serve is different.

This is the core difference between Open APIs and Rest APIs!

#2 Open vs. Rest API: Focus 

Let’s say you and your family went to France for the very first time. Even though you’ve learned a little about the cities or places you’ve decided to visit, it’s obvious you won’t have a complete understanding. At such times, you might consider hiring a tourist guide who can provide insights about those cities and places. 

Open API is that tourist guide for an application! It explains all available tools (functions) the app offers and tells you how you can interact with them (instructions). Talking about REST API, well, it defines a clear and organised way for applications to exchange information, regardless of their specific functionalities. Just like we share docs or images over WhatsApp or Email. 

#3 Open or Rest API: Scope 

You can think of Open API as universal adapters. Meaning, they can be used to describe any type of API, no matter basal technology used or its purpose. This flexibility allows developers to easily create and understand API for various applications like social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc) or weather data services (Accuweather). 

Rest API is not like that. Applications built using this architectural style follow a set of design principles. These principles indeed guarantee clear and efficient communication between applications – true! However, they don’t dictate what functionalities applications themselves offer. 

This is a major difference between Open APIs and Rest APIs!

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#4 Open vs. Rest API: Documentation and Standardization  

One of the biggest differences between Open and REST API to consider in 2024! Open APIs typically come with detailed documentation. It describes every single aspect of API including endpoints, parameters, request and response formats, authentication methods, and usage examples. This documentation is important for developers who want to integrate with API. 

Documentation is also required by developers who use REST APIs. However, these adhere to standardized architectural principles such as statelessness, client-server architecture, and uniform interface constraints. As developers can rely on familiar patterns and practices, not only does this standardization simplify the development but also the consumption of RESTful APIs. 

#5 Open vs Rest API: Protocol and Data Format

For this point, we’ll start with REST APIs. These are typically implemented over the HTTP protocol. In fact, they predominantly use JSON or XML as data interchange format. This adherence streamlines interoperability between various systems as well as programming languages. 

Open APIs, however, are protocol-agnostic. Meaning, they can be enforced using various communication protocols (like HTTP, WebSocket, and MQTT). They also support different data formats (like JSON XML, and Protocol Buffers) depending on the requirements of an app.   

#6 Open API vs Rest API: Flexibility and Extensibility 

Another important aspect to consider while comparing Open APIs vs Rest APIs. Open APIs are often designed with flexibility in mind. To allow developers customize and extend functionality of API to suit their specific use cases. This might involve adding custom endpoints, integrating with third-party services, or extending the data model. 

REST APIs, although flexible to a certain point, follow a predefined set of architectural constraints. This may limit the extent to which developers can customize the API. However, this type of API can still accommodate a plethora of use cases through careful design and resource modeling. 

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#7 Open vs Rest API: State Management 

Our Open vs Rest API comparison blog will be considered incomplete without talking about this aspect! Open APIs typically require explicit state management. Put simply, clients will be responsible for maintaining the state of their interactions with APIs. For budding developers who’re wondering what this involves, well, managing authentication tokens, session identifiers, and other contextual information between requests. 

Now time to put a spotlight on Rest APIs’ state management. Surprisingly, they are designed to be stateless. To be precise, each request from a client contains all the information that is important to process it. 

Open vs Rest API: Final Words 

As you saw above, Open APIs and REST APIs have distinct strengths. While one provides clear documentation and easy integration, the other guarantees structured and efficient communication. There can’t be a WINNER among these. The best choice for your project, however, depends on your specific requirements. 

Still feeling confused? Don’t worry because that’s what we’re here for! API Connects has a highly experienced team of API integration specialists who can help you navigate this complex world of APIs. By understanding your needs and your app project, we will guide your business in selecting the right API type and handling complex integrations. We will make sure your app reaches its full potential. 

Send us your queries at Let us unlock the power of APIs and take your project to the next level together!

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